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Feeling confused about how to evolve your style?

Let's get some clarity + discover your Style Archetype.

Fill out the fields below to receive your Style Archetype. Your results will be sent to your email and include:

1. A thorough detailing of what your embodied style could look like

2. A master list of aligned brands just for you

3. An intuitive style perspective from yours truly

*This is a prototype for a quiz I am developing.

By submitting the form, you agree to send feedback.


Select 1 or 2 archetypes that resonate the most for you.

*For the purposes of this quiz, you can identify with this archetype without formally being a prophet. Being a prophet guided by the Holy Spirit is a responsibility that not many are called to hold. This archetype is called the magician, but as a faith-based stylist I changed it to prophet.

Thank you! Your results will be sent to you within a week of submission.

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